Early Years (EYFS)

Our vision is to: – 

  • To transform the life-chances of our children by ensuring an increasing number of pupils are secondary ready.  
  • To ensure safe and secure learning environments by constantly improving our facilities on an annual cycle  
  • To create inspirational places for our staff to work to effectively recruit and retain high quality staff  
  • To be an influential part of our local communities finding ways to contribute to their health and wellbeing  

Children from 2 up to 11 years of age enjoy attending Beck Primary school. We provide a high quality and exciting education for all our children. Beck Primary is proud to be part of the community, we value our parents/carers and welcome their participation in their children’s learning. Throughout the year, parents are invited into school to attend key events, workshops and discussions about the progress their children are making.   

We want children to be excited about their learning and to enjoy coming to school. We recognise that parents play a key role in making this happen. We strive to ensure school is a place where all parents, children and families feel welcome.  

Pedagogical Statement  

“Children are powerful learners. Every child can make progress in their learning with the right help. Effective pedagogy is a mix of different approaches. Children learn through play, by adults modelling, by observing each other and through guided learning and direct teaching. Practitioners carefully organise enabling environments for high quality play. Sometimes they join in to sensitively support and extend children’s learning. Children in the Early Years also learn through group work, when practitioners guide their learning. Older children need this guided learning. A well-planned learning environment indoors and outside, is an important aspect of pedagogy.” 

(Principles into Practice, Julien Grenier 2020) 

Approaches to pedagogy and teaching strategies 

  • Our learning environments are well organised and accessible to all children. 
  • Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a safe and secure place for our children to learn.  
  • Our learning resources change overtime to meet the learning & development needs of all children. 
  • Our learning environments will always challenge and excite children. 
  • Motivations and interests of children will shape the curriculum we offer. 
  • Our creative learning environment and curriculum delivery will secure a strong foundation and a love of learning throughout the Early Years and into the future.

“Our vision is to provide an excellent primary education that gives our children the very best chance of succeeding in life.”

Cascade MAT