
At Beck, we aim for our pupils to develop a good understanding of Geography and foster a wide spanning curiosity of the world we live in. We aim to keep Geography exciting and relevant to ensure that pupils are motivated and enjoy the subject. We want our children to both understand the geographical features of the locality that they live in as well as being able to enter into a lifelong ‘conversation’ about the earth as the home of humankind. We aim to equip pupils with knowledge of diverse places and people – from life in Africa, to that in China, Italy, Brazil, Keyna and the wider world, as well as being able to develop an understanding of their own locality and make comparisons based on their experiences and knowledge.

We will introduce the concepts of Geography in the Foundation Stage making links to pupils’ own lives, which are then built upon in Key Stages 1 and 2 where pupils start to build their knowledge of the world. We want our children to have a contextual knowledge of globally significant places, including their defining human and physical characteristics, and understand the processes that happen during key human and physical processes. We want them to be able to think geographically using the appropriate vocabulary with confidence. We want our children to investigate the world we live in and explore geography by asking questions, thinking critically about real life issues, apply their knowledge from previous experiences and describe how processes have changed over time.

We aim for pupils to have developed a good knowledge and understanding of their locality and the world by the time they leave KS2. We want pupils to understand the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments. By the end of KS2 we aspire for all of our pupils to have acquired the knowledge, concepts and skills outlined in the National Curriculum alongside an enjoyment and confidence about the subject itself.

At Beck we have carefully designed themes that allow for a progressive development of geographical skills and ensure that pupil knowledge consolidates, develops and extends over their years at primary school. The themes we have planned aim to ensure that the component knowledge builds up to ensure a deep knowledge that can be easily remembered and accessed from long term memory. When our pupils leave, we want them to be fully prepared to embark on the next stage of their school career and access geography fluently and knowledgeable at secondary school.

“We want our children to investigate the world we live in and explore geography by asking questions, thinking critically about real life issues, apply their knowledge from previous experiences and describe how processes have changed over time.”

Beck Primary