
Maths has links across the entire curriculum and encompasses many important skills. At Beck, we want our maths teaching to allow pupils to understand the number system and place value; use all four operations in a range of contexts; explore 2d and 3d shapes and handle a range of data. Pupils will demonstrate their mathematical understanding through a wide range of problem solving and reasoning activities. We also want our pupils to communicate their maths learning confidently through both spoken and written forms. They will have opportunities to talk about their maths learning, using the correct mathematical language for their age. Pupils will read and write numerical calculations and written word problems with confidence and fluency, showing a good understanding.

Our commitment to teaching high-quality and engaging maths lessons will ensure that our pupils gain the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful in achieving the objectives outlined in the National Curriculum. We follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning which is used by 80% of pupils in the UK. It can be accessed online by parents and carers and provides full details of the maths topics the pupils will be taught from F2-Y6. It also has online activities for pupils to do at home as well activities to download.

By the end of key stage 2, we aspire for all of our pupils to have acquired the knowledge, concepts and skills outlined in the National Curriculum alongside a positive attitude and enjoyment towards maths. We want every child to leave us with a love of maths and use it confidently in all aspects of their lives. We believe that maths learning is progressive, and that our pupils should constantly build upon their previous knowledge and understanding of the subject, both throughout and within their years at primary school. We also encourage our pupils to integrate their mathematical skills across the curriculum, in a range of creative contexts.

When our pupils leave Beck, our goal is that they are fully prepared to embark on the next stage of their school career and they are able to successfully access mathematics learning during their time at secondary school. In addition to this, we want our pupils to develop a passion for maths so that they are aware of and are prepared for the possibilities of a future career in the subject. Our goal is to ensure that the maths curriculum we provide gives our pupils the confidence and motivation to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and beyond.

We want every child to leave us with a love of maths and use it confidently in all aspects of their lives.

Beck Primary